How to Melt Lace Like a Pro

melt your lace to make your wig look natural

Melting your lace is the most critical step in slaying your wig. Your lace melting technique will determine how natural your wig will ultimately look. Without the knowledge and skill required to melt your lace seamlessly, people will be able to tell immediately that your wig is not your natural hair. So, it’s in your best interest to learn how to melt your lace like a pro, and we will tell you exactly how to do it in this article.

Before we get into the lace melting steps, we’d like to tell you several things that affect how well your lace will melt.

Lace Quality: Lace is not all created equal. The thinner the lace is, the easier it will melt into your skin. Clear Lace and HD Lace are some of the thinnest lace types available.

Lace Color: There will be times when buying normal lace is best for your budget. In that case, be sure to choose lace that matches your skin color perfectly. It will save you a ton of time during the lace melting process. You can also opt for Clear Lace or HD Lace; both are clear and will blend in with any skin tone.

Your Skill Level: Lace melting has a lot to do with your skill level. If you’ve never melted your lace before, you may make mistakes that cause your lace to lift in the front, take on a weird texture, or look shiny. But the more you practice melting your lace, the better you will get at it.

Here is a Quick and Easy Video Guide


Step by Step Instructions for Melting Lace

Now that you know a bit about the factors that affect your lace melting results, it’s time to jump headfirst into some step-by-step lace melting instructions. Keep on reading to learn more.

Step 1: Bleach Knots to Make Wig Knots Invisible

Bleaching your wig’s knots is the first step towards making your unit look natural and prepping it for the melting process. Unbleached knots look like tiny black dots – they are a clear sign that your wig is not growing from your scalp. The knot bleaching step helps to make those knots virtually invisible for a more natural result. If you try to melt your lace without bleaching the knots, you’ll need to do a lot of work later to cover up the knots. It's best to get it done before hand.

Knot bleaching requires you to mix up bleach, apply it to the underside of the lace where the knots are, and then allow the bleach to lighten the knots. It seems simple enough, but you could completely ruin your wig if you don't do it correctly.

Luckily, some wigs come with the knots already bleached - these wigs are called pre-bleached wigs. If you're not up for the knot bleaching process, it's best to go for a pre-bleached wig.

But if you've got a wig with unbleached knots and want to know how to bleach the knots at home, check out our Bleaching Knots Guide.

Step 2: Pluck Your Wig to Get a Seamless Hairline

Place your wig on a styrofoam or canvas mannequin head and pull out the tweezers - it’s time to pluck the hairline of your wig. Your wig’s hairline will look most natural if it follows the contour of your natural hairline.

You only need to do this step if your wig is unplucked or if your pre-plucked wig needs a little more work. Plucking the wig may seem intimidating at first, but with our How to Pluck a Wig Guide, you’ll have all you need to make your wig’s hairline look realistic.

Step 3: Clean Your Hairline

When melting your lace, it’s imperative to start with a super clean base. That means that your skin needs to be free of oils and dirt. Melting lace onto dirty skin could result in lace that doesn't stick well and shifts throughout the day.

To clean your hairline, you've got a couple of options:

  • Option 1: Dip a cotton ball in alcohol and then gently wipe your hairline from ear to ear, avoiding your natural hair.
  • Option 2: Apply soap to the skin around your hairline and then use your fingers to massage it in. Then use a damp cloth to wipe the soap away. Ensure that all the soap is gone, and then allow your skin to dry completely.

With your skin clean and oil-free, you’re ready to move to the next step!

Step 4: Do the Bald Cap Method

A well-laid wig is flat and takes on the shape of your natural head. To achieve this, you need to create a flat surface for your wig to sit upon. The best way to do this is to do the bald cap method. The bald cap method requires you to braid your hair down in straight back cornrows and secure a nylon wig cap to your head. But it’s not that straightforward - to learn more, check out our Bald Cap Method Guide.

Step 5: Tint Your Lace

Tinting your lace involves applying pigment to any exposed lace to make it look like scalp. Most people do this with makeup or lace tinting spray. Here’s what you need to do to tint your lace:

Purchase a lace tint or powder foundation that matches your skin tone perfectly. Apply the tint to the lace wherever your hair is parted.

If you’re using a tinting spray, follow the instructions on the tint product. They will most likely tell you to hold the can a few inches away from the lace and spray until you achieve full pigment coverage.

If you’re using a powder foundation, load up a large powder brush with the foundation and press it into the inside of the lace until it looks like your skin tone.

For lace tint spray only: Allow the tint spray to dry for a few minutes before moving to the next step.

If you prefer, you can tint the lace before putting the wig on your head. Base this decision on your personal preference.

Step 6: Cut the Lace into Jagged Edges

There’s a right way and a wrong way to cut your lace. You’ll need to do so with very sharp scissors and make a zig-zag motion as you cut. The jagged edges make for a better overall lace blend. Anyone can cut their lace, but if you do so with the wrong technique, you could accidentally cut too much lace off or even tear the lace. Read our Lace Cutting Guide for some step-by-step instructions for cutting your lace front wig at home.

Step 7: Glue the Lace Down

Gluing the lace down is the most nerve-wracking part of the lace melting process. That’s because once the glue has set, it can take quite a bit of effort to further adjust the lace. So, it’s crucial to absorb all the information you can about gluing down lace before you get started.

You have a few options for gluing down your lace, and they include got2b Glued Spray, gel, or wig adhesive tape.

Once you read our How to Glue a Lace Wig Guide, you’ll have a smooth lace hairline without bumps and bunching, and it’ll stay in place for as long as it should.

Step 8: Use a Headtie To Lay the Hairline

Even after completing all of the previous steps, your hairline may stick up a little bit. If you leave the wig like this, it won’t look sleek and put-together. Luckily, all you need to do to fix it is a headtie (headwrap) and a bit of gel.

You’ll apply the gel to your hairline and style your baby hair (if desired). Right after that, put on your headtie where the lace meets your skin and leave it on for at least 10 minutes. When you remove the headtie, your hairline will be super sleek and Insta-ready.

Step 9: Remove Glue Residue

Things can get messy during the lace melting process, and no wig looks good with gunk and glue around the hairline. To remove glue residue, all you need to do is apply alcohol or an adhesive remover to the areas that need cleaning. Then use your fingers to loosen the residue and remove it with a wide-tooth comb or paper towel. If you'd rather skip the alcohol and adhesive, you can use a toothbrush and some conditioner to lift the excess glue so you can wipe it away.

Step 10: Apply Foundation to Your Hairline

To complete the lace melting process, you may need to apply foundation to your hairline. If the lace is already the same color as your skin, you can skip this part. But if your lace is looking too light or dark, pull out your powder foundation and apply it directly to any exposed lace along your hairline. Ensure that the foundation you use is the same color as the skin on your forehead. Use a fluffy brush for a smooth application process.

Time to Practice

Now you know all you need to know about melting your lace from start to finish. It will take some practice to get your lace melting technique down to a science, but you eventually will! Now, let’s hear from you. What do you feel is the hardest part of melting lace? Share your thoughts below in the comments! We’d love to hear from you.

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